Thank you for visiting my website. I am not a writer. I do not have the patience to put words together to make a cohesive and interesting sentence. I truly admire people who can, it seems like magic to me. However when it comes to color and little itsy bitsy pieces of glass, I can sit for hours in an almost meditative state. They say making art stimulates endorphins. Maybe that is what occurs for me.
When I think about my life, and all the turns it has taken, it is amazing to me that I have found the delightful path I am currently on. I know it took many lives to get here. I have always had affection for mosaics and tile in general. It was only a matter of time before I incorporated their use into my work. My earlier paintings and early castings were mosaic in that i used little pieces of paint, paper, and collage if you will to make one larger picture. I was always putting smaller pieces of "stuff" together creating a piece that usually had one image. I finally began making glass mosaic frames for my paintings and everything blended so well that viewers weren't certain where the tile ended, painting began or if it was a painting at all. I enjoyed presenting a visual confusion. I have not given up painting however discovering mosaics was the final piece in my puzzle. Suddenly I felt everything that i had been visualizing during my artistic life had come together. I enter my studio excited every day to start or finish a project with more enthusiasm than I ever thought possible.
It is a wonderful thing, and a wonderful way to work.
When I think about my life, and all the turns it has taken, it is amazing to me that I have found the delightful path I am currently on. I know it took many lives to get here. I have always had affection for mosaics and tile in general. It was only a matter of time before I incorporated their use into my work. My earlier paintings and early castings were mosaic in that i used little pieces of paint, paper, and collage if you will to make one larger picture. I was always putting smaller pieces of "stuff" together creating a piece that usually had one image. I finally began making glass mosaic frames for my paintings and everything blended so well that viewers weren't certain where the tile ended, painting began or if it was a painting at all. I enjoyed presenting a visual confusion. I have not given up painting however discovering mosaics was the final piece in my puzzle. Suddenly I felt everything that i had been visualizing during my artistic life had come together. I enter my studio excited every day to start or finish a project with more enthusiasm than I ever thought possible.
It is a wonderful thing, and a wonderful way to work.